Sergio Kyriakis: The Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix (PVGP) is a long-running motorsports event here in the city of Pittsburgh that spans ten days and two race weekends. In fact, this past year was the event’s 40th anniversary. It’s a great family event and when the weather cooperates, it is an automotive showcase miracle. The entire show supports the Pittsburgh Autism Society and The Allegheny Valley School. It is not only for a great cause but a significant one at that. The show brings great vintage race cars and show cars as well as custom restorations out en masse. It’s the oldest vintage race car show where participants can actually race, making it an event to behold!

SK: There was a gentleman by the name of Tip Paul that would bring out a number of vintage Moto Guzzis. He started the motorcycle portion of the Vintage Grand Prix. Our Club, Ton Up Pittsburgh, supported Tip, and when he made the decision to step aside from heading up the motorcycle part of the Grand Prix in 2016, we decided to step in. Patrick Martin, one of our club members, decided to take the pole position in organizing the Motorbikes at the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix. Patrick works tirelessly to round up interesting vintage bikes and builds to ensure those who come really have a unique motorcycle experience. I’d also like to acknowledge the addition and leadership of Ton Up Pittsburgh’s Tom Furey. While Patrick stepped up to take pole, it’s been even better with Tom’s ability to rally the troops on show day and keep things organized.
SK: We started supporting the event in a big way in 2016. We typically seek vintage clubs to come out and bring exciting originals or restored vintage machines like the Ohio Valley BSA Club. The president of that club is Bud Kubena. Bud has supported the event multiple times, making sure we have a large and exciting contingent of BSAs that wow enthusiasts. This year, we had special guest Tom Baker bring out several vintage race Harleys. We try and locate clubs that have unique bikes, preferably vintage machines. This is really challenging.
SK: Ton Up Pittsburgh hosts both the Steel City Mods vs Rockers and Motorbikes at the Vintage Grand Prix annually. We try to tie both events into one another so that they both feed off of each other and give vintage motorcycle enthusiasts in the Pittsburgh area two really cool places to bring their rides. Our members are instrumental in making both events happen and making them what they are today.

SK: This was our fifth year hosting the event, so we kind of have it down to a science at this point. From greeting the people as they enter, collecting their donations, and directing them where to park or where to find Peppi’s subs and beverages, everything worked out very well. We see a lot of the same folks year to year, however, each year brings with it exciting new riders and their bikes. Saturday is our busy day and Sunday is a bit more laid back. Every year, our goal is to keep the event interesting while helping to raise money for the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix Charities. With that in mind, we succeeded on all levels this year. Ton Up Pittsburgh donates Peppi’s Subs, Beers, and Soft Drinks so that all of the donations from the participants go directly to the charities.
SK: The best way for readers to get involved in this event is to follow the Motorbikes at the PVGP Facebook community (link below). We post links so followers know the details, dates, and times for upcoming events. During 2020, when live events were put on hold, we held a few charity rides benefitting the PVGP Charities. We also hold a few of our own rides that lead up to the event. Once again, just keep an eye on our Facebook page for more info.